Contact the Club

Before contacting us, please check below to see if your question is answered in our

Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for a local scenic/photo flight?

Unfortunately, outside of our annual Airport Day event, we are prohibited by law and insurance from offering this. The only way to access our aircraft is a member renting it for their own use, or for flight instruction.

Looking for a charter/rental flight to take you somewhere?

Unfortunately, we are prohibited by law from helping you with this. Please contact an air charter "Part 135" operator for more information. Nearby Part 135 certificate holders include Cal-Ore Life Flight and PacJet.

Is there commercial airline service at Brookings Airport?

There is not. The nearest airports with commercial service are Crescent City, CA (CEC) and Medford, OR (MFR).

Questions about Airport Day?

Please refer to the Airport Day page for information about our next Airport Day event.

Wanting to take a discovery flight?

Unfortunately, club regulations prohibit non-members from receiving flight instruction in club aircraft. You will need to join the club before you can go up in the aircraft. We'd still be happy to meet you at the airport, show you the plane, and go over your goals on the ground, though. Plus - even a non-flying club member can take a discovery flight before signing up for a flying membership. If you're still interested, contact us and we're happy to discuss the best options to get you flying.

I'm a pilot visiting your area, and I'd like to fly in your aircraft a few times.

If you wish to rent our aircraft, even if it's just for a few days, and even with an instructor, you'll still need to be a full "Flying" member, and meet all regulations set out in our bylaws and regulations (available on the "About" page). Our aircraft is only available for use/rental by members. We do not offer aircraft use to any non-members.

Can I come visit the airport and look at some airplanes?

Yes! Absoluley. Fill out the form below and we'll set something up.

Do you have 100LL/JET-A fuel available at the airport, right now?

We will publish NOTAMs immediately if we learn of any issue with fuel availability at the airport. If you don't see any NOTAMs, we're not aware of any issues.

I'm with a firefighting company and we need to purchase a lage quantity of JET-A for our helicopter via a fuel truck.

Please contact us if the quantity is over 1,000 gallons to verify suficient fuel availability.

What's the WiFi password at the airport?

Club Members: Look for the QR code in the hangar on a poster to connect.

Guests: The login/password page will have an aviation based challenge question. Please read the question and use the answer as the password. This is to ensure our WiFi is used only by members of the aviation community.

Contact Us

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Need to get in touch by phone?

We offer phone service to pilots, members, and aviation industry professionals only.

Regardless, we ask that you try emailing us first, as our phone line is staffed by a single volunteer only.

If you are unable to wait, or unable to email, and are a member, pilot, or aviation industry professional, click the button below to reveal our phone number. 

Reveal phone number (pilots / members / aviation industry professionals only)

BFC Phone Number (For Pilots, Members, and Aviation Industry Professionals ONLY): (541) 412-5103