Meet the Brookings Flying Club
Meet the Brookings Flying Club
The Brookings Flying Club is a non-profit 501(c)(7) membership organization located in Brookings, Oregon. We're a group of people who have come together to pool our time and resources into an organization that can most effeceively provide the things we'd all like to see in aviation - including affordable aircraft rental, comfortable spaces at the airport, and helping others get into the hobby and potential career field of aviation.
The club has existed in some form continiuously since the late 1960s, and is the core of the Brookings aviation community.
Our mailing address is:
PO Box 302
Brookings, Oregon 97415
Our physical address is:
17330 Parkview Drive
Hangar 6
Brookings, Oregon 97415
What's a flying club, anyway?
A flying club is an organization governed by its membership and elected board of directors that comes together to pool its resources to make aviation more affordable, and other missions as decided by its membership. Together, we're able to own a hangar, airplane, and more - something that many of us could never dream of or justify on our own.
The club usually meets monthly (usually, on the 2nd Wednesday, at 6:30, in the Brookings Airport Terminal Building, but this is subject to change). Check our club calendar for more information. We welcome guests at our general club meetings. Stop by, ask some questions, meet our team - we'd love to meet you!
Membership is a rewarding experience that not only grants you access to the club's resources, but allows you to become a part of our mission and activities. We're always taking applications for new members! To learn more about our membership options, please use the button!
Meet the Board of Directors
Kyle Rice
Interim President
Joined Club: 2016
VP: 2017-2021
Acting President: 2021
President: 2022-2024
Director at Large: Jan 2025
Interim President: Jan 2025-Present
After becoming a pilot locally, Kyle immediately joined the Club and spent years improving its technology, systems, procedures, events, marketing, and more with the help of his experience in aviation, IT, running his business, and systems administration. In late 2024, Kyle moved out of the area and declined to run for another term as President, though he chose to remain on the board in a lesser capacity to continue to support and assist the organization. However, in January 2025, the new president had to resign, so Kyle resumed the role temporarily to find another replacement.
Doug Hanson
Vice President
Joined Club: 2019
VP: 2021-Present
Doug learned to fly in 1974, making a career move as a flight instructor in 1994. He has approximately 8,000 flight hours and holds an FAA Gold Seal Instrument Flight Instructor certificate. Doug brings years of aviation experience from his former home in the Seattle area.
Herman Rinkel
Joined Club: 2022
Treasurer: 2025-Present
Herman has not yet provided biographical information for the website.
Noah Hergenrader
Joined Club: 2024
Secretary: 2025-Present
Noah has not yet provided biographical information for the website.
Director at Large
Any member can run for board member election!
Ask a board member for more information. Elections each winter, terms run each calendar year.
Meet the club's aircraft, N738DE
A 1977 Cessna 172N Skyhawk
WAAS GPS Navigation
with a garmin GNS 430W
ADS-B In and Out
with a Garmin GTX345
Garmin FlightStream
Bluetooth Interface
Digital Engine Monitor
Dual Garmin G5s
No Vacuum System
All LED Lighting
Extreme brightness

VFR and IFR equipped and certified
Full Specs and Equipment:
Current as of September, 2022. Subject to change.
- Dual Garmin G5s - ADI and HSI
- Equipped with OAT probe for temperature display and winds aloft computation
- Both G5s have independent backup batteries installed
- The G5s have glideslope capabilities for ILS/LPV approaches
- CGR-30P Digital Engine Monitor
- Garmin GNS430W Navigator
- Equipped with a Garmin FlightStream 210 Bluetooth Interface
- Garmin GNC255A COM2/NAV2 Radio
- NAV2 CDI also has glideslope capabilities
- Garmin GMA340 Audio Panel
- Full 4-place intercom system
- Dual radio PTT (pilot and co-pilot)
- Garmin GTX345 Transponder with ADS-B In and Out (dual band in, 1090ES out)
- 406MHz ELT with GPS
- Advanced lighting systems
- 3 LED landing lights
- Nose landing light is a Whelen Parmetheus G3 PAR46
- Wingtip landing lights are Whelen Parmetheus Plus PAR36 and equipped with a pulse system
- LED Wingtip nav/strobe lights (Whelen Orion 650)
- LED Tail Light (Whelen Orion 500)
- LED Beacon (Whelen Orion 360)
- LED interior lighting with enchanced map light
- 3 LED landing lights
- Front seats have inertial reel (car style) seatbelts
- Rosen sun visors
- FAA Approved life jacket under each seat
- Fire extenguisher
- 24v Electrical System
- Vertical card compass
- 160HP Lycoming O-320-H2AD engine
How does member "rental" work?
Members simply reserve the aircraft on a first come, first serve basis. The "rental rate" is per Hobbs hour, wet (including fuel). Members simply log their usage of the aircraft in the BFC systems, and will receive a bill for their usage each month.
Availability is generally very good, especially for flights scheduled more than 1-2 days out. Even still, one can typically schedule a flight same day the vast majority of the time.
Members can receive a discount for pre-purchasing aircraft time. See by-laws addendum A for more information.