Brookings Flying Club General Meeting

Brookings Airport, Brookings, OR

May 8th, 2024


Call to order: Meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 


Reading of Minutes: No April 2024 minutes provided


    1. Fuel Farm Manager 
      1. Out of Jet A, a load coming tomorrow
      2. Estimate to paint tanks coming from Tom Serna
    2. Airplane Maintenance.  
      1. Several Sqawks, landing light out, squeaky wheel, due for oil change
    3. Treasurer Report
      1. Account balances reported
      2. Still building engine fund
  • Youth Committee and Scholarship
    1. Career day at Del Norte high completed

Old Business:

  1. Airport day is upcoming. 

New Business:

  1. Airport day planning
    1. Experimental aircraft on display
    2. VFW table selling model aircraft
    3. Food By Greg
    4. Porta Potties – Kyle to order
    5. Friday setup fencing
    6. Pilots arrive by 8 am for briefing, 9:00 for everyone else
    7. Pilot docs needed for Alan, Doug, Lee, Bil Bacca
    8. Various discussion on detail around hangar events etc


Meeting Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at 7:51 PM


Respectfully submitted by Alan Nidiffer