Membership Info

The club always welcomes new members. There are two types of membership. A Flying membership, and a Non Flying Membership.

A Flying Membership, which allows rental of club aircraft, requires a a one time non refundable membership fee of $250.00, and monthly dues of $25. Membership includes all of the non flying member privileges. There is also the hourly wet cost of the airplane, which can be found in By-Laws Addendum A. We are using an Online Scheduling system available to members here on our website.

A Non-Flying Membership is $55 per year. It includes a per-gallon discount on fuel purchases at Brookings Airport when charged to a club-issued fuel card, an invitation to the club meetings, and any other club events such as our picnics and dinners.

JET-A fuel is temporarily out of stock

100LL still available, though stock is somewhat limited.

We are expecting our fuel order to arrive within a few days. Thank you for your patience.