Brookings Flying Club General Meeting
Brookings Airport, Brookings, OR
June 9, 2021
Call to order: President Kyle Rice called the meeting to order at 6:33 PM. This is a hybrid meeting
Reading of Minutes: The minutes from May were presented and stand as read.
- Fuel Farm Manager
- Alan Nidiffer reported the fuel farm is in good working order.
- We previously ran out of Jet A and received a new load
- It was noted that the color of the new load of Jet has a pinkish color. Fuel company was contacted and communicated that this is fine, color resulting from a higher sulfur content due to refinery change. A bio-test confirmed that there was no biological contamination.
- Need additional fuel waste barrels.
- Airplane Maintenance.
- It was noted that the throttle control needed repair, it was completed.
- Treasurer Report
- Account balances were reported.
- Airplane Maintenance.
- Youth Committee and Scholarship
- The club will be providing a summer program, planning for the August event has begun.
- Flight Instruction
- No notes
Old Business:
- Facility maintenance needs
- Hangar floor coating next week
- Painting of fuel shack / tanks.
- Mold in second hangar – getting quotes to remediate
- Airport Day Discussion
- July 4th weekend
- Pilots
- Food service
- Parking
- Pricing
- July 4th weekend
New Business:
Meeting Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at 8:36 PM
Respectfully submitted by Alan Nidiffer