Brookings Flying Club General Meeting Brookings Airport, Brookings, OR March 10, 2021
Call to order: President Kyle Rice called the meeting to order. This is a virtual meeting Reading of Minutes: The minutes from February were presented and stand as read.
1. VP Comments.
a. This section will be eliminated in future meetings. Youth Aviation and Flight instruction
reports will be added
- Fuel Farm Manager
- Alan Nidiffer reported the fuel farm is in good working order.
- It was noted that there may be a 100LL fuel leak at a pipe junction near the filter vessel.
- Need additional fuel checkers
- Load of 100LL was received
- Jet A system needs new flex hose between the meter and the reel
- Airplane Maintenance.
- Flap noise noted
- Exhaust repair completed
- Airplane is read to fly
- Treasurer & Scholarship Committee Leader
- Money was moved from investment account to checking to cover fuel expense
- It was noted that receivables are high this month and expect that to be paid soon
- 70% of all fuel sales will now be set aside in a dedicated fuel account to cover future fuel
- Youth Aviation and Scholarship
- Scholarships – contact has been made with school districts
- No field trips are allowed by the schools this year
- Should we have a display of some sort at the Azalea Festival?
- Flight Instruction
a. Some instructors are finding it difficult to schedule the airplane with current covid spacing
Old Business:
- Discussion of Youth in Aviation Program. Rosie as committee chair – discussion on makeup of committee as well as a discussion on previous youth airport field trips.
- COVID protocols were discussed.
a. No masks required in the airplane with one fully vaccinated person was suggested.Motion failed to pass
b. Spacing requirements for rental have been reduced to a max of 12 hours.
Removing hangar restrictions for non-essential visitors
New Business:
- Carbon monoxide detector place in airplane
- Airport day discussion. Can and should the club consider holding the event this year with covid
restrictions? Different ideas of how it could work is discussed, how to schedule flights, limit crowds. Volunteers, parade float, FAA notification process. No final decision has been made.
Meeting Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 PM Respectfully submitted by Alan Nidiffer