REGULAR MEETING – August 14, 2024

CALL TO ORDER: 6:35 p.m. by President Kyle Rice

OFFICERS PRESENT: Kyle Rice, President

Doug Hanson Vice President

Greg Ketell Member at Large


OFFICERS ABSENT: Peter Flanderka, Treasurer

Alan Nidiffer Secretary


6 to 8 members also present either in person or virtually

Minutes from previous meeting approved as read

Kyle noted he will correct wording of proposed new rule regarding flight students and send out corrected version


Fuel Farm Report:

  • None
  • Nelson reported that there are several issues with current fuel checks which will be looked in to

Treasurer’s Report:

  • Edward Jones $74,432 available in corporate and $15,934 in scholarship
  • General fund $31,958
  • Fuel fund $26,434

Maintenance Issues:

  • Engine maintenance/replacement to be discussed later in agenda

Youth committee:

  • Patrick Daub has agreed to be Youth Committee Chairman
  • Rosie passed on a manual and some background information to help in transition

New Business:

  • Discussed painting fuel tank
    • Received and estimate that included two options
      • 1. Use direct metal paint for $8,550 – which would include yearly maintenance at a cost of  


      • 2.  Use epoxy for $11,650 which provides greater durability
    • After discussing the pros and cons of each, a vote was taken of those present
      • Result was to accept option #2
  • Kyle discussed recent thefts including $500 to $600 in cash along with some merchandise during airport day, and missing merchandise from the hangar since that event.
    • Almost all of the hoodies are gone etc.
    • Some of this may be attributed to the hole in the hangar door
      • He has since installed security cameras in the hangar
    • We will ask the city for increased security at the airport
  • Airport facility maintenance
    • The City of Brookings is responsible for maintaining the airport
      • There is concern about the amount of concern and action or lack thereof that they are showing despite many attempts to bring the safety issues to their attention such as burned out runway lights, no beacon, trees at the end of the runway need triming etc.
  • Kyle will look into correspondence Nelson received from the FAA regarding shutting down several small airports which included Brookings on their list
  • Rolling hangar doors are in but not installed
  • Everyone was encouraged to sign in to Discord and use this as a communications tool amongst members
  • Kyle postponed discussion on the engine issue until more members are present to vote
  • A motion was made by Megan, Seconded by Greg  to adjourn
  • There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:16 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Rosie Hoxeng, Secretary Pro Tem