Brookings Flying Club General Meeting

Brookings Airport, Brookings, OR

July 10th, 2024


Call to order: Meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 


Reading of Minutes: June 2024 minutes read and accepted.


    1. Fuel Farm Manager 
      1. Recent visit from State or Oregon Weights and Measures.  Both meters passed inspection
    2. Airplane Maintenance.  
      1. 100 hour inspection recently performed
        1. Low compression, solvent wash seemed to have corrected issue
      2. Almost ready to commit to new engine
    3. Treasurer Report
      1. Account balances reported
  • Youth Committee and Scholarship
    1. No report

Old Business:

  1. Continuing to recruit new board members 

New Business:

  1. Proposed new rule that student pilots cannot interact with airplane with their solo endorsement
  2. Club will purchase sound system, projection screen, and hangar sound system from Kyle


Meeting Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM


Respectfully submitted by Alan Nidiffer