Brookings Flying Club General Meeting

Brookings Airport, Brookings, OR

November 10, 2021


Call to order: President Kyle Rice called the meeting to order at 6:33 PM.  This is a hybrid meeting


Reading of Minutes: October minutes were read and stand.  


  1. Fuel Farm Manager 
    1. Waste fuel pickup scheduled for the coming weekend.
    2. 10 year life on fuel hoses confirmed
    3. Spoke with PPT – will replace lower pressure gage on Jet A vessel


    1. Airplane Maintenance.  
      1. Annual to be completed in a week
        1. List of items from annual reviewed
        2. Est costs, 3,000 in labor and 1,500 in parts
        3. Carpet kit will be put on hold for now
        4. Ground power plug looked at for install
    2. Treasurer Report
      1. Account balances were reported.
        1. Approx 115,500 in the Edward Jones investment account
        2. 7,000 Chase bank
        3. 10,500 Scholarship
        4. 1,000 engine fund
        5. 6,000 fuel fund
  • Youth Committee and Scholarship
    1. Scholarship possibilities discussed

Old Business:

  1. none

New Business:

  1. Rosie will not run for re-election to the board
  2. Chris Swick will run for at-large position
  3. Measure to repeal flight instruction committee


Meeting Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at 7:14 PM


Respectfully submitted by Alan Nidiffer