Brookings Flying Club General Meeting

Brookings Airport, Brookings, OR

October 13, 2021


Call to order: President Kyle Rice called the meeting to order at 6:31 PM.  This is a hybrid meeting


Reading of Minutes: September minutes were read and one correction made     


  1. Fuel Farm Manager 
    1. Maintenance completed in September includes, 100LL leak addressed, filters changed
    2. New Waste fuel barrels were added, waiting for pickup company to resume
    3. Drip trays for hand sumps ordered
    4. Nozzle screens replaced
    5. Research the 10 year hose life requirement in Phillips requirements.


    1. Airplane Maintenance.  
      1. 100 Hour inspection coming up
      2. Landing light was fixed, a broken wire terminal was the cause
    2. Treasurer Report
      1. Account balances were reported.
        1. Approx 111,500 in the Edward Jones investment account
        2. 16,913 scholarship
        3. 7,872 Chase bank
        4. 10,324 Scholarship
        5. 1,000 engine fund
  • Youth Committee and Scholarship
    1. Scholarship posting at schools by the end of the year

Old Business:

  1. Flight instruction funding.  Discussion on how a program might work on a scholarship basis

New Business:

  1. Traditional holiday dinner cancelled for 2021
  2. The need to update the bulletin board in terminal was noted
  3. Upgrades to airplane discusses
    1. ELT 2,000
    2. Carpet Kit 1,500
    3. Ground power plug ?


Meeting Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM


Respectfully submitted by Alan Nidiffer