Brookings Flying Club General Meeting

Brookings Airport, Brookings, OR

May 12, 2021


Call to order: President Kyle Rice called the meeting to order at 6:35 PM.  This is a hybrid meeting


Reading of Minutes: The minutes from April were presented and stand as read.      


    1. Fuel Farm Manager 
      1. Alan Nidiffer reported the fuel farm is in good working order.  
      2. New grounding clamps installed
      3. Flex hose for Jet A ordered
      4. Need additional fuel checkers
      5. Approx one month of Jet A onhand
    2. Airplane Maintenance.  
      1. 100 Hr inspection/annual completed. Approx 6,000 bill
        1. Carb heat box repair
        2. L Main tire replaced
        3. L steering boot repair
        4. Rudder pedal repair
        5. R brake rotor replaced
        6. Change landing light switch config
    3. Treasurer Report
      1. Account balances were reported
      2. Still an outstanding bills to be paid
  • Youth Committee and Scholarship
    1. Scholarship winner announced – Sierra
    2. Report of Career day held at Gold Beach High School
  1. Flight Instruction 
    1. Airplane, and therefore instruction is back online

Old Business:

  1. Airport Day Discussion
    1. Shooting for July 4th weekend
    2. Food service at event?
    3. No Azalea parade float this year
  2. June 5th for a club BBQ at the airport


New Business:

  1. 2 pending member applications – both approved
  2. Facility maintenance needed, please reply to email seeking volunteers


Meeting Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at 7:26 PM


Respectfully submitted by Alan Nidiffer