Brookings Flying Club General Meeting
Brookings Airport, Brookings, OR
April 14, 2021
Call to order: President Kyle Rice called the meeting to order at 6:35 PM. This is a hybrid meeting
Reading of Minutes: The minutes from March were presented and stand as read.
- Fuel Farm Manager
- Alan Nidiffer reported the fuel farm is in good working order.
- It was noted that there may be a 100LL fuel leak at a pipe junction near the filter vessel. After watching for several weeks, no leak can be detected
- Need additional fuel checkers
- Jet A system needs new flex hose between the meter and the reel
- Airplane Maintenance.
- Nothing to note
- Treasurer Report
- Account balances were reported
- Still an outstanding bill to be paid with plane exhaust repair.
- Fuel Farm Manager
- Youth Committee and Scholarship
- No Scholarship candidates
- Flight Instruction
- No notes
Old Business:
- Airport Day Discussion
- No Volunteers for event
- Potentially delay until July 4th weekend
- Parade float, look for volunteers
- New Covid restriction policy
New Business:
- Fuel Checkers annual checkout was discussed and will attempt to put together a schedule
- The club would like to have a summer event again. After memorial day, perhaps the 1st weekend of June?
Meeting Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 PM
Respectfully submitted by Alan Nidiffer