Brookings Flying Club General Meeting

Brookings Airport, Brookings, OR

January 8, 2020


Call to order: President Nelson Sprague called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.

Reading of Minutes: December 2019 minutes were read and approved         

Officer Reports:

  1. VP Comments.  
    1. Hangar office construction update – nearly completed.
    2. Volunteers to finish the floor are needed.
  2. Fuel Farm Manager 
    1. Alan Nidiffer reported the fuel farm is in good working order.  
    2. Discussion on making fuel testing easier – perhaps moving sump pumps to ground level
  3. Airplane Maintenance.  
    1. Aircraft is in Grants Pass for Avionics upgrades
      1. Sent 430 in for repair
      2. G5 installation
      3. End of January estimated completion
      4. Discussion to require training for pilots on new equipment
    2. Map light needs to be replaced again
      1. Bill Moves to purchase a new LED Map light
      2. Peter 2nd the motion
      3. Group votes in favor of the purchase
  4. Treasurer & Scholarship Committee Leader
    1. Peter is the new club Treasurer and gives an account balance report

Old Business:

  1. Doug Hansen gives a ground school update, classes started this week

New Business:

  1. It was reported that Don Blue and Tom Moore have passed away.
  2. The opportunity to purchase the adjacent hanagar from Warren Glaze is discussed.  Warren has offered the hangar for $20,000
    1. Nelson with talk with Warren about the purchase price and terms of a sale.  If a favorable deal can be made, the club is in favor of the purchase.
  3. Youth Aviation Partners update
    1. Discussion about a potential program (grant funded) to give flying lessons to local students.
    2. Overall costs estimates have started.  Up to 20 students. More discussion needed about who will own the program and run it.

Meeting Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at 7:41 pm


Respectfully submitted by Alan Nidiffer